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This three-day course is designed to provide critical care and progressive care nurses a review of AACN’s core curriculum. The course combines central knowledge-based lectures so that nurses working in the PCU and ICU arenas will have a review of AACN’s certification blueprint. The first day will provide the critical care provider with an essential review of nursing care and interventions designed for the ICU setting. The second day of this lecture series will combine both the critical care and the progressive care areas. Information essential to each will be presented in a combined method still complying with AACN’s certification blueprint. The third day will be specifically for the progressive care provider and complete AACN’s blueprint for system review. This review is not an introduction to the environment of the ICU or PCU, but a comprehensive update for the professional already in practice at the bedside and preparing for either or both of the certification examinations.
This program prepares the learner to:
Source : Event Website
CammyC Christie
Cammy is an internationally known speaker with over 45 years of critical care experience. She has taught the CCRN® Exam Review as well as critical care updates with an emphasis on the critical thinking skills of the bedside practitioner. In addition to lecturing across the globe, Cammy is a reviewer for several revered nursing journals, has numerous publications in the area of critical care and continues to have an active practice as an acute care nurse practitioner at the University of Florida, Division of Critical Care Medicine, Cardiothoracic Surgery. As a critical care nurse practitioner, Cammy brings many clinical practice skills to her lectures as well as providing clinical pearls for bedside care.